


[email protected]

If you hear “art history lectures” and imagine a pompous lecturer who “loads” you for two hours with obscure terms and details of biographies of long-forgotten artists; if you fall asleep during art documentaries, hold back yawns on excursions, and despite all your efforts still can’t tell the difference between the Renaissance and the Baroque, you’re definitely in the right place!

“The Art and Tea Talk Club is for those who are interested in art and read historical novels, or just want to spend an evening drinking tea or wine and expanding their erudition. You will see that art is amazing, funny, and impressive, that it is not only about composition, perspective, and colors. It is a portal to other eras that allows us to feel how people of past centuries lived, what they ate, drank, wore, how they spent their leisure time, what they were proud of, what they were ashamed of, what they dreamed of.

How does it work?

We gather in the coziness of the studio, at a table with goodies, to discuss a new and exciting topic every time. The meeting lasts about 1.5 hours, but sometimes we forget about the time.

Course features:

  • No chronological order of topics.
    We don’t limit ourselves to a rigid structure of sequential presentation of the history of art from the Paleolithic to the present day, because we want to take the most interesting things at once.
  • Each lecture is independent and unrelated to the others.
    You choose the most interesting lectures and don’t worry about missing the previous one hundred and fifteen series
  • Lectures in a non-academic format
    You won’t get bored listening to a lecturer’s monologue for 1.5 hours, and you don’t have to wait until the end of the meeting to ask questions. Instead, we invite you to comment, ask questions, discuss, and make comments right in the process. This is a meeting of friends, not a boring lesson.

Who is it for?

For adults who are interested in art or just want to spend a Saturday evening with benefit and pleasure.

What will you learn and what will you learn?

  • Understand why art is what it is and how it reflects the worldview of the epochs
  • learn about the life and customs of Europeans (and not only) of the past
  • learn to recognize popular themes in works of art and unravel symbols and allegories
  • a lot of interesting facts and details to impress your friends with your erudition
  • and have fun and benefit from it and fall in love with art.